Sunday, December 29, 2013

Pyu, Thet and Tristsu, Amalgamation

     Based on the reliable sources, some of them has been reported on this blog earlier., the ancient Pyu, Thet(Sak)  and Tritsu came from their original abode of northwestern India. There are four major tribes of people followed him with his army to Iravati and Sarasvati (Chindwin) valley, modern Burma. These are as described follow not in order
(a)    Pyu or Pru or Puru
(b)   Thet or Sak or Sakas, Sakyan
(c)    Tritsu
(d)   Yadava or Yadu
It is evident that the Pyu or Pru came earlier with Sakyan Prince Abhiraj. Again the Arab Historian mentioned the people he found living near Sri Ksettra were calling themselves as Tritsu ( Mr. Blagran first mention the name as one of the language of the Rosseta stone (Mra-say-ti or Myazeidi)  inscriptions; which can be found in the following website;  was that of the Tritsu (Tircul). But we have to check again and consider the facts that the great historians might not be meeting and communicating to each one of the peoples. There might as well be some other tribes or clans such as Pyu or Pru or Puru and Thet or Sek or Sak.

Please visit the following link to view Myazeidi stone inscriptions.


Refer our champion pioneer Burmese historian of 20th Century, Taw Sein Ko who mentioned that the Chin peoples rather than Sak (Thet) followed Pyu and Kanran tribes to found Pagan in first century AD. In fact, in our opinion and evidences available, some of  the Chins themselves are Pyu or Pru or Puru or Pu people.
The Thet or Sak of Burmese history, who, with the Pyu and Kanyan tribes, migrated from Prome to Pagan in the first century A.D., were a Chin tribe. According to the last Census,
Thet was spoken by only sixty-seven persons in the Akyab district.
The Chins are found from northern Arakan to Bassein and from Cape Negrais to the Chindwin valley, with off-shoots in the Henzada, Tharrawaddy, Prome and Thayetmyo districts. {P/22;Taw Sein Ko}

 He also reported that the Pyu and Pu of the Pagan are the same, as
The Pali name for Pagan, the third capital of Burma, is * Pugama,'—the village of the Pu or Pyu tribe. During the 8th century B.C., under the Chou dynasty, Chinese history mentions a barbarian tribe called the ' Puh '. In the 7th century A.D., under the T'ang dynasty, a tribe called the P'iao, Fiu, or Pyu, is also mentioned. As evidenced by the derivation of the name
* Pagan*, the two tribes appear to be identical. {P/22:para-4 ;Taw Sein Ko}

 At this juncture we need some explanation how the word  Pugama has been derived.  From Saskrit and Indian administrative customs the village is called gama or Kye-ywar or ywa-nge in Burmese,and the bigger village or Ywar-gyi as janapad or zanapode in Burmese. Then Pu came from Puru or Pru of the Indian tribe. We would note as:-

Pu stands for Pru or Puru and gama stands for village or Ywar-nge. 

We learned from history that the people of ancient Burma are struggling and regrouping. Perhaps Samuda-Raja or Thamudarij has founded a small quarter for the people at the very beginning.

These people must be Pru or Puru of the ancient tribe of India gradually moving from Sindu Valley (Punjab) to modern Burma.

There are living evidence that proved that some of the Chin tribal people are of the Puru or Pru stock as they still bear the family name as Pu. There is a number of Chin national bearing “Pu” as their Sir name or family name. To avoid some criticism we would not mention their full names. But the readers may find them by visiting the following websites.

Some of the picture to view if they, the Chin are indeed same or similar to Burman people.

                                       Chin Girl in traditional dress {Source : Pu Chin Website}
               Chin Nationals performing traditional dance {Source  Pu Chin Website}

Their tradition and customs are also very similar to Burman or Bamar as they are the descendants of the same tribal origin. One of the same tradition Taw Sein Ko highlighted as

Thabye ' (Eugenia)

The sacred tree among the Chins is ' Subri,' called' Sabre ' or ' Thabye ' (Eugenia) by the Burmese, who hold it equally sacred and make use of its leaves in all domestic, State and religious ceremonies.


  'သူ႔ေခါင္းမွာလည္း  သေျပညိဳ

တို႔ေခါင္းမွာလည္း  သေျပညိဳ။
တို႔ျပည္မွာ တို႔ေမကမ္းပါတဲ့
သေျပညိဳ ေရႊဘိုပန္းဟာက
လာေတာ့မကြယ့္ ေရႊပဟိုရ္
ကြင္းထက္မွာ တူေပ်ာ္ေပ်ာ္နဲ႔
ျပည္ေတာ္ကို ရည္ေမွ်ာ္မွန္းကာပ
သေျပညိဳ ေရႊဘိုပန္းရယ္နဲ႔
လွမ္းခဲ့မယ္ေလး။  ။''
 Saya Min Thu Wun

 {I learned this poem by heart and still can read from my memory and heart. I hope that all tribal peoples of Burma will have success in coming new year 2014. VERYMERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL. The author, WZMJ}

 The most striking resemblance as embodied in the Dhammathats, (Burmese law-book,) is the pecuniary compensation exacted for all sorts of crime. Even for man- slaughter, no life must be taken, the penalty of not paying a fine being slavery. (Taw Sein Ko:1913:pp;22)


According to most of the historians the Puru were also living in the Sindu Valley, Punjab, North-western India. Out of numerous texts available we would include that of Buddha Prakesh.

Purushini  River or  Iravati  River or   River Ravi {Native country of Puru or Pru or Pyu}

            The former names of Ravi river are Purushni and Iravati (In northwestern India)

According to ancient history traced to Vedas, the Ravi River was known as Iravati (also spelt Airavati). Another Vedic name was Purushni. Part of the battle of the ten kings was fought on the Parushni River, which according to Yaska (Nirukta 9.26) refers to the Iravati River (Ravi River) in the Punjab

One scholar, Buddha Prakash, Professor of History and of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology, Director of the Institute of Indic Studies (1964); in his book Political and Social Movement in Ancient Punjab states: mentioned that

The Purus settled between the Asikni and the Parusni, whence they launched their onslaught on the Bharatas, and after the initial rebuff in the Dasarajna War, soon regrouped and resumed their march on the Yamuna and the Sarasvati and subsequently merged with the Bharatas, Some of their off-shoots lingered on in the Punjab and one of their scions played a notable part in the events of the time at Alexander's invitation. They probably survived in the Punjab under the name of Puri, which is a sub-caste of the Kshatriyas.[6]  {Ksettria or warrior clan }”

Refer the map of Indus Valley for visualization of the locality of the region.

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