Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Why I did not become an Infantry Commander?

Since I was in primary 5, when I was asked, I used to say I wanted to become Infantry Commander.
I was studying hard and passed my high school final (HSF) examination in 1967. This qualification met the educational requirements for admission to Defense Services Academy (DSA) then. I also met all other criteria such as physique, height, age and all. But my father strong objected citing he has an only son, me. He (my father) also mentioned that my uncle (his youngest brother) was also in army for many years and so that he has concern for his (uncle’s) safety and wellbeing. If I was successful I would have attended in 1968 and graduated in 1972 if everything went well. But I was not because I could not get my father’s consent. Again when I passed my matriculation examination list “B”, I requested my father gain. This time around my uncle was there with us. He said I should learn their (soldiers’) lives before deciding to become an infantry officer. Then I was not happy. As I was also becoming involve in love affairs. I was always thinking about poem and infantry commanders Na-wa-dae Gyi and Nat-shin-naung. I read and learn the poems so-called Ra-tu of these to poets as well as Shin Maha Silavamsa title “Wunna Paba”.
       Nat-shin-naung’s famous Ra-tu was “Tint-hla-pay-han …”. Then I lost my girlfriend and became love-lorn. This made me losing interest in study and I did not complete my exam to pass “A” list for BEHS. That was the time I did not want to even stay in my home tome due to sad and embarrassment. Luckily I uncle was transferred from Tat-khone ( Kha-ma-ya 109) to No 13 light infantry regiment stationed in Myitkyina, Kachin State. Then it was situated next to the state airport , runway and near No 5 Infantry Division Head Quarter. That was the last division of Army Divisions. Later it was changed to Burma Army Northern Command. I was only able to attend Night Class (Lunge Yay-yar Nya Kyaung) located in Shan Su Quarter, Myitkyina.  
{source: YouTube}

{ Nat Shin Naung Video - Source: YouTube}

One day when I visited tan-phel near the Myit-sone (Junction point) of Mae-kha and Malikha rivers. I met a young lady who looked like my aunty (aunt Ma Pane). Really she was a complete resemblance of my aunty. I am touched and think that the Kahins are my/our kin. Her image is still in my mind and the following picture found in internet reminds me to remember her. The young  woman in the picture looks like the young Kachin lady in Myitkyina. There is no doubt about the blood relationshwith Burman, Kachin, Karen, Chin and some Indian tribes.
{Picture Source: Courtesy of Google}

       Also I used to talk to the privates, corporal, sergeants and young officers Second Lieutenants when occasionally I met them what was their objectives, their perceptions, their reflections and if they were happy with their current positions and challenges. I learned from them most of the time that they are fighting with own ethnic tribal insurgents. I thought and asked them why  should we fight with our own people involving in civil wars and kill my own kin. That was the time I read and heard the news about the White Flag faction Communist (Tha-khin Than Tun’s group) had killed their members in internal conflicts and purging of the reformists or traitors as they were accused by the hard liners. Ko Soe Win (the son of Ludu U Hla and Ludu Daw Ah-mar) was included in the purging. Pho Htu killed his own father Ye-baw Htay. The young woman who was famous by the name “Ar-zar-ni San San” who cut the victim’s throat and used his blood to wash her feet. It was so cruel and ruthless. I am quite sad to be involved in civil wars and fighting among kin, own people. I abandoned my ambition to become Infantry Commander. The story does not end here. To be continue.

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