Sunday, May 17, 2015

Moral Purpose at schools

Michael Fullan specifically mentioned in his book "Change Forces" what Goodlad reported his concern on the Moral Purpose . {Chapter 2 Moral Purpose and Change Agentry"}
Moral Purpose
In their major study of teacher education, Goodlad and his colleagues found themselves being pushed deeper to the moral purposes of education in order to understand the basic rationale for teaching in post-modern society: " We came to see with increasing clarity the degree to which teaching in sc...
Michael Fullan specifically mentioned in his book "Change Forces" what Goodlad reported his concern on the Moral Purpose . {Chapter 2 Moral Purpose and Change Agentry"}

Moral Purpose
In their major study of teacher education, Goodlad and his colleagues found themselves being pushed deeper to the moral purposes of education in order to understand the basic rationale for teaching in post-modern society: " We came to see with increasing clarity the degree to which teaching in schools, public or private, carries with it it moral imperatives --- more in public schools, however, because they are not schools of choice in a system requiring compulsory schooling "
"Facilitating Critical Encullturation"
The school is only institution in our nationspecifically charged with enculturating thed young into a political democracy ------= schools are major players in developing educated persons who acquire an understanding of truth, beauty, and justice against which to judge their own and society's virtues and imperfections ----- This is moral responsibility . (pp 48-9)

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